
Some Of My Work


Encryptor Picture

WPF Application that can encrypt and decrypt files. The files are machine independent. The Encryptor is designed using the latest stable version of .NET Framework 6.0 , Cryptograph libraries and C#10.0


eftekad Picture

A CRUD ASP.Net Core Application using Razor pages and MVC design pattern with identity security features applied, EF, location enhancement and camera capturing and calling features, to maintain an up-to-date record for a group of people.

This Site

MyWebSite Picture

My Improved portfolio site utilizing ASP.Net Core improvments to achieve an efficient and focused experience for those who are looking to obtain their unique website that suits their desires. take a look

Test Bank

Test Bank

ASP.Net Core API project for a question bank for 4 th to 8th grade students for math and English subjects.